1. Getting started with ERPLAB

Getting started (or ‘help, how do I make ERPLAB work?’) #


To conduct any of the analyses featured in this tutorial, you require three downloads.

Firstly, MATLAB. MATLAB is a very powerful (see also ‘very expensive’) software programme. However, in order to use EEGLAB MATLAB is a pre-requisite. Luckily however they offer some pretty great discounts for students, so it’s well worth buying a student copy if that’s a possibility. Universities will also often have a MATLAB license that you’ll be able to use either on campus, or link to via your personal computer.

Next, you’ll need to download EEGLAB. EEGLAB is super handy open-access software intended for research purposes. EEGLAB is a necessary pre-requisite to ERPLAB, with which we’ll conduct most of our pre-processing.

Steps: Download EEGLAB from the above link. Extract the folder, then open MATLAB. Navigate to ‘set path’, which you can find in the Home tab in the Environment section. Select ‘Add Folder’ and navigate to the EEGLAB folder. You may then wish to select EEGLAB in the ‘MATLAB search path’ list and move it to the top, with the help of the ‘Move to top’ button on the left-hand side. For more details, click here

Finally, you will need to download the ERPLAB toolbox, some more great open-access software that will enable you to conduct pretty much any pre-processing operation you could want. To learn more about ERPLAB, have a read through this article by Lopex-Calderon & Luck.

Steps: Download ERPLAB from the above link. Extract the folder, Then place the extracted ERPLAB folder into your EEGLAB plugins folder.

(e.g., C:/Users/Jen/Documents/MATLAB/eeglab2022.0/plugins/)

N.B I am in no way affiliated with any of the above mentioned companies/products/resources. I gain no financial incentives for providing the links here or if you click on them, but have done so to make things a little easier to find.